Perhaps many of you still remember these fruit ice buckets. They came in different sizes and colors. Most fruit ice bucket are apples. They are more common and thereby somewhat easier to find. Apples came mostly in red but also green. Nevertheless, they also came in other colors, such as white and yellow.
Next to apples, there are also pears, oranges, tomatoes , pineapples, ... They are much harder to find.

Ice buckets also came in a "chrome" version. You can find some beautiful fruits on the picture below.

Although most people always refer to ice buckets, they namely serve more purposes.
A time ago, I was able to find a boxed red apple, lucky me! :)
On the original box, as displayed below, you will see that they can also be used as a salad bowl, ice cream bowl or to serve cookies to your guest. It is very likely that these boxes were used in several countries. Different languages are used on the box: Multiapple (English), Multiapfel (German), Multiappel (Dutch), Mutlipomme (French).

If you want to buy a fruit ice bucket, in most cases you can buy one between 10€ and 20€. However, a price of 30€ or higher can be asked for the "rare" fruits.
If you are (very) lucky, you can find these still at a flea market for example.
Source pictures: JO JE BIN and Ibrahim Ãœckuyulu